Monday, July 12, 2010

Personal Injury Cases were great examples of why Personal Injury Attorneys are so important in settlements

2009 represented a year that clearly showed how having proper representation by a Rhode Island Personal Injury Lawyer could mean the difference between settling for an unworthy amount and truly recouping for your losses. PI Attorney Rui Alves found this case below representative of the types of cases where someone wrongfully injured is entitled to deserved compensation.

Case in 2009:

A patron is beaten by bouncers outside of the Foxy Lady Nightclub sustaining severe injuries requiring hospitalization, extensive therapy and leaving lingering pain and disability.

The insurance company for the club practiced flat out denial that the incident even happened. While the Plaintiff saw damages in excess of $24,000.00 for injuries ranging from subdural hemorrhage, and sustained headaches and blurry vision thereafter.

The jury in the presiding Justice's court came back with a verdict awarding the Plaintiff $300,000.00 plus interest of 108%, for a total of $624,000.00. This sends a clear and compelling message that it will no longer be ‘business as usual’ for insurance companies when there are injured human beings involved.

If you have questions about this posting or are interested in Divorce, Immigration, or Estate Law in RI or MA contact Massachusetts and Rhode Island Divorce Lawyer Rui P. Alves at 401-942-3100 or CONTACT him via email.

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